Build the knowledge and skills you’ll need in any career working with people.

The Education Studies minor will help you understand how people learn and how you can make a difference through teaching, 研究或宣传. This minor prepares you for an educational career outside of the traditional classroom. The coursework and internship experiences will support your individual interests and career plans. 

Prepare to go into social work, counseling, law, higher education or public policy. You’ll learn about the current issues and debates in the education field and get ready to tackle injustice. Graduate with the confidence to lead and the drive to create a more just, inclusive society.

 For more information on the Education Studies minor, please contact Associate Professor of Secondary Education Steve Fletcher.

What types of jobs are there for those with a minor in Education Studies?


  • GED Instructor
  • Adult Educator
  • 职业及技能培训师
  • 项目开发经理

Education Law

  • 少年司法辩护律师
  • 社会正义倡导者
  • Social Worker
  • 残疾人权益倡导者


  • 和平队研究员
  • AmeriCorps or City Year Volunteer
  • 非营利组织的项目经理

Education Policy

  • Lobbyist
  • Research Analyst
  • 国会助理

Higher Education

  • Academic Advisor
  • Career Counselor
  • Recruiter
  • 大学招生人员

Early Education (Non-certification)

  • 幼儿园或日托经理
  • 私立幼儿教师
  • Develop charter school or online school
  • Daycare or tutoring service owner

What skills will I acquire with a minor in Education Studies?

The skills learned as an educational studies minor will prepare students for a multitude of different professions in the education field. Through the time in the  educational studies program, students will learn:

  • 批判性思维的技能
  • 沟通技巧
  • Organizational and analytical data gathering
  • A deep understanding of social issues within the education field
  • Leadership and decision-making abilities
  • 解决问题的能力
  • Strategic thinking and action planning
  • 团队合作和管理技能
  • Ability to explain complex concepts in a professional setting
  • Effectively debate and present theories

What is the coursework required for a minor in Education Studies?

Students can expect to take various courses ranging from foundations in teaching courses, 学习过程, understanding the role of technology in education, and working with special populations. Intensive internship experiences tied to coursework will blend practical and theoretical learning and give the learner incredible experience in their chosen area before graduation. 课程内容包括:

EDUC 1330 Schooling, Education and Society

EDUC 2332 Educational Technology Integration

EDUC 4334 Curricululm and Evaluation in the Secondary School

EDUC 4365 Professional Internship

TOTAL 21 hours

EDUC 2331 Learning Processes and Evaluation

SPED 2324 Introduction to Special Education
